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Franklinton Adult Career and Education Center - Senior Capstone Project

Project type

Adaptive Reuse


August 2022- April 2023


Franklinton Ohio

The final year as an Interior Design Student at OSU is dedicated to developing an adaptive reuse design project. I started with research and ending with a final design complete with construction documents. We were given 4 different existing buildings in the nearby Franklinton, Ohio to potentially work with and were tasked with choosing our building based on the research we conducted regarding the needs of the Franklinton community.

My research showed that one need Franklinton faces is a lack of higher education options for adults who didn't complete high school. Franklinton has a high drop out rate but very few options where adults can earn their GED or work towards developing skills to help them in a competitive job market. I began developing a program that would help students learn trades and offers GED prep. I selected a central location in Franklinton to develop my design with in, A retired Firehouse, Engine house 10.

Once my design was complete I took my design and developed construction documents and plans as if this was a project actually being developed to be built.

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